Delicious dog cookies

Delicious dog cookies This homemade dog cookies are so delicious and easy to make. Its a perfect way to show your dog that you love him. If you’ve wondered how to make dog treats, it’s much easier than you think.  I made these Homemade Dog Treats with peanut butter, but you could substi...

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Who is the team behind Lou and Co.?

Who is the team behind Lou and Co.? This is us, team behind Lou and Co., mom and two sisters. Why we started our company? We love dogs, we always had a dog in our family. We got our first dog when Eva was 7 years old and Nina was 14, we dont know the life without someone constantly...

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Why lou & co.?

Lou was adopted from Korčula. She will always remind Eva and her husband on their honeymoon, when they met her by chance. As everywhere they travel, they decided to find shelter on Korčula and buy food for dogs, but they did not expect to travel home with a new family member.

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